The GMAT is a test of your thinking abilities. There’s no use in denying this. It tests your intelligence. It doesn’t test intelligence completely and there are a million ways to be intelligent outside of what the GMAT tests- but it DOES test a particular type of intelligence. The only way to improve your score is to improve your command of this type of intelligence. Anyone who promises otherwise is just taking your money.
The good news:
Improving your intelligence in this way is not only possible but quite straight-forward, if you know what you’re doing.
And I do.
Here is how I’ve found the most success in GMAT test prep:
To start, we cover a dense but necessary curriculum of core content-
Then, you’ll do an out all blitz of problem solving centered on official GMAT problems. With me, you’ll be wading through milieu after milieu of problems, redoing incorrect problems blindly until you get them correct (I’ll explain more during prep).
When we meet, we cover:
1) Issues you’re having with content and/or recurring weakness on certain types of problems
2) Alternative/quicker ways to solve the problems you do get correctly the first time (I have a wealth of tricks that have more to recommend them than even the best large test prep companies’ material)
3) How to be clever when taking your GMAT, what to notice about the information they give you, the information they don’t, the way they phrase the question…
basically how to think like the twisted person who wrote the problem; how to get in their head and avoid miles of work or endless figuring.
And all of this will make you more intelligent when you take your GMAT, intelligent in the way the GMAT fears you’ll be.just
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